• Considerations:

    Use images that portray religious & spiritual beliefs in a non-judgmental and respectful way.

    Recognize that even within a specific religion, individuals may have a wide range of differing beliefs and practices.


    Avoid images that stereotype or mock religious or spiritual beliefs or institutions.

    For example: a religious figure made into a comical reference.

    Avoid using phrases that have overt religious connotations. For example: “That’s not kosher”, “sacred cow” or “come to Jesus moment.”

  • Considerations:

    Use nonjudgmental language when presenting a patient's religious or spiritual beliefs.

    For example: Patient has strong-held religious beliefs regarding the use of birth control and requested alternative treatment options. This impacted care by....


    Avoid using judgmental language when presenting a patient's religious or spiritual beliefs.

    For example: Because patient is a staunch Catholic, they refused to consider birth control as a treatment option.

  • Considerations:

    Use general greetings or be inclusive of all religious beliefs when using greetings.

    For example: Use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas.”


    Do not assume stereotypes or risk factors based on religious or spiritual beliefs.

    For example: Don't assume that because a patient is Muslim, they do not consume alcohol.